Friday, February 16, 2007

Schumer's Faulty Premise

Nation Editor-in-Chief in her review of Senator Schumer's new book writes, "in his new book, Positively American: Winning Back the American Middle Class One Family at a Time, Senator Charles Schumer reveals the imaginary constituents that have long informed his political career: Joe and Eileen Bailey. The Baileys live in a suburb of Long Island with their three kids, they both work, and they earn about $75,000 annually."

The problem with his imaginary constituents is the problem with Democratic tax policy in general. It would be hard to imagine living in Nassau County a middle class existence with three children on a household income of $75,000 a year, where the price of an average home is $586,401.

Democrats typically define anyone who makes over $100,000 as wealthy (remember the tax cuts for the rich rhetoric) never really taking into account cost-of-living adjustments. As someone who lives in a modest but very pricey house in the expensive Park Slope section of Brooklyn, Senator Schumer of all people should know better.


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