Sunday, November 05, 2006

What Happened to the "Paper of Record"

The NY Times will not be endorsing any Congressional Republicans this year. It is ironic that the NY Times which is considered part of the "mainstream media" won't endorse any Republicans but the NY Post which is considered part of the "conservative media" has endorsed Senator Schumer and Eliot Spitzer in the past and is endorsing Andrew Cuomo for Attorney General in this election cycle.

I find it also odd that they claim, "[o]ur only political loyalty is to making the two-party system as vital and responsible as possible." Instead out of their eight regular op-ed columnists: there are six highly partisan Democrats, one libertarian (John Tierney), and one so-called conservative. The one Conservative, David Brooks, meant to provide false ideological balance to The Times instead typically devotes his columns writes to analyzing sociology using broad generalizations. When he does decide to devote his column to politics, we are left reading articles defending Senator Lieberman, praising Senator Obama, or attacking partisans on both sides. In fact, there are few if any columns by David Brooks providing the Conservative argument on an issue and usually when there is, he then he continues on to demonstrate why he believes there is a sensible middle ground between that and the liberal position.

Meanwhile, Frank Rich launches ad hominem attacks on a regular basis against Republicans and any Democrats he believe have strayed from the party line. He he has become increasingly nasty in his attacks which go far beyond a rejection of Republican policies or politicians. Could you imagine the NY Times having Ann Coulter as an op-ed columnist? No, of course of not but that think it is perfectly fine to have the left-wing equivalent.


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