Monday, February 19, 2007

Kerry now admits the economy was "pretty decent"

Senator Kerry in a recent interview defending his Presidential run stated, "And I came within a hair of beating a wartime president with a pretty decent economy and a 50 percent approval rating." That's correct, he admitted the economy was pretty decent in 2004.

It's funny because in 2004, he claimed that President Bush was presiding over the worst job recovery since Herbert Hoover. Then in the interview he has the audacity to speak of Republican character assassination and mistruths in 2004. He also defends the sport of windsurfing for those poorer souls like him (never mind that he is married to a billionaire or his middle name is Forbes) that cannot afford yachts like all these Republicans. That is always the urban myth that is most amusing that all rich people are somehow Republicans yet Democrats spend a lot of time in those wealthy Republican enclaves:-) of Park Avenue, the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, and Cape Cod raising money.


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